Saturday, January 26, 2008

In The Pink

I started this kit several weeks ago and finally finished it today. Terms of use for this kit: Please do not claim it as your own. Do not change the file name and if you wish to use it in a tutorial, I only allow a text link that leads back to my blog. Thanks! :)

Get my Valentine theme kit HERE.

Please leave me comments if you use my kit. :)

Here's a preview of the kit:

My Very First Kit

Please be gentle. This is the first scrap kit that I have ever made. I hope to do better with the next one. This kit was created for a PSP tutorial that I wrote for the members of PSP Inspirations as an exclusive tut. It will eventually be posted on my page at Sweetest Harmony.

Click HERE to get my very first kit.

Please let me know what you think. I hope to have another kit available very soon.


I've discovered a new love. Digital Scrapping! I have even made my first small kit. It's not the greatest, but I am willing to share it. I hope to offer bigger and better kits in the future as I practice. :)