Monday, June 17, 2013

Thinking of tutorials

Need to start writing tutorials again.  Perhaps as it gets hotter and I'm stuck inside more.  :)  I'm enjoying the outside while I can!  I hope you like my new look.  I am wishing for the beach and Fort Myers Beach is a favorite place of mine.  I would love to live there.  Anywho, enough of my longings....perhaps I'll come out with a tutorial soon.  I'm really addicted to Cluster Frames as you can see from my recent posts.

Glamorous Cluster Frame

A new cluster frame for you to play with!  Goodness I'm addicted to these things.  This download has a pspimage file and a png file so that all can use it.  I'll be fixing the other links as I can in the coming days/weeks.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Catch A Wave Sampler Cluster Frame

I made a new cluster frame to share with you.  I've been making frames for Creative Addictions, two will be on the blog and two will be available in the Creative Addictions Shoppe (click on the blinkie for CA below to go to the forum).  While I was making those, I seemed to be on a roll, so I made another.  See the preview and download link below.  Enjoy and if you download, please leave some love.  :)