Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Be My Valentine

This tutorial was written January 11, 2006 by Valerie Atwell, all rights to it belong to me. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.  You may link to it or print it for personal use, but you MAY NOT claim it as your own.
I used the awesome artwork of Barbara Jensen.  To purchase a license to use her work, you may go to  Please be warned that there is adult content on this site.  

What you need:
My Supplies HERE
Paint Shop Pro
Animation Shop
No outside filters required

Unzip the gradient into your gradients folder, your tube into your tube folder, the font into your font folder, the mask into your mask folder and the brushes into your brush folder.
Open your tube in PSP and minimize. Open your font and minimize.
Open a new canvas 500x500, transparent.
Set your foreground to black.
Floodfill the bottom layer with black.
Go to layers, load saved mask, choose the following:

Make sure Invert Transparency is unchecked.
Go to layers, merge group.
Open up your tube (I used a legs tube, you can use the tube of your choice and adjust the instructions accordingly).
Go to edit, copy and paste as a new layer in your canvas.
Resize if needed.
On your layer palet, lower the opacity of the layer to 80%.
If you want you can apply the same mask settings as above. Layers, merge group.
Go to adjust, hue/saturation, colorize these settings:
Go to layers, new raster layer.
Set your background to the gradient, ivy_valentine5, these settings:

Grab your paint brush tool, choose HeartAccent1 010.
Size 197, Default settings for the rest
Apply your brush to the upper left corner of your mask.
Go to layers, duplicate, then image, mirror.
Move this heart brush to the bottom right corner of your mask.
Go to layers, new raster layer.
Grab your paint brush tool with HeartAccent1 011.
Size 197, Default settings for the rest
epeat the same steps as above.
Deactivate (turn off) your mask layer and your tube layer.
Go to layers, merge visible.
Duplicate your heart layer 2 times.
First heart layer:
Go to adjust, add/remove noise, add noise.
Make sure uniform is ticked and use these settings:
Second heart layer:
Repeat steps as above with 45% noise.
Third heart layer:
Repeat steps as above with 40% noise.
Go back to your first heart layer.
Adjust, add/remove noise, noise.
Make sure random is ticked at 50%.
Second heart layer:
Same as above 60%
Third heart layer:
Same as above 55%
Set your background gradient to the following:

Set your foreground to black.
Now, grab your text tool with these settings:
Size 96, Stroke 1, Default settings for the rest
Type your text. With your font, you have to use all caps.
Go to layers, convert to raster layer.
Duplicate your text layer twice.
Apply your noise settings as you did with the heart layers.
At this time, you should add your copyright and watermark.
Open your Animation Shop.
Deactivate the top 2 text layers and the top 2 heart layers.
Go to edit, copy merged.
Over to Animation Shop.
Edit, paste as new animation.
Deactivate first layers of each and activate second layers of each.
Edit, copy merged.
In AS paste after current layer.

Same steps for the third layers of each.
In AS, edit, select all (or cntrl + A on the keyboard).
This will activate all of your frames.
Animation, frame properties, set it to 15.

Animation, animation properties, opaque, click on the color box and set it to white.
Animation, resize to pixel size of 500x500 or the size of your choice.
Save your creation as a .gif with the default settings and you are done!!

Thanks for doing my first animation tutorial.

Tutorial ©KLB Designz 2005-2007

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