Wednesday, June 13, 2012


What you need:
Tube of Choice, I am using the gorgeous new free tube by Keith Garvey.  You can find her here:
Horse Play’s Template 29, you can find it here:
A Tagger’s Scrap Venetian Mask Scrap Kit Add-On, you can find it here:
Mask 7 by Diana, you can find it here:
Eye Candy 4000, Glass
A Script Type font, I am using Scriptina, you can find it here:

This tutorial assumes that you have working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro and it’s tools.  This tutorial was written by Valerie Atwell of KLBDesignz, on June 10, 2012.  You may not copy it, distribute it or claim it as your own.  I do not allow translation of my tutorials.  You are welcome to include a link back to my tutorial for your groups and forums.  If this tutorial resembles any other in existence, it is purely coincidence. 

Open HorsePlay’s Template 29.  Hit Shift + D on your keyboard to duplicate.  Close the original.  On the duplicate, delete the copyright layer.

Activate one of the diamond layers.  Selections, Select All, Float.  Add a new raster layer.

Open Paper8.  Copy and paste into selection, Select none.  Delete the black diamond layer.  Repeat the same process with the other diamond layer.

Activate your first diamond paper layer.  Duplicate.  On the bottom layer, go to Effects, Texture Effects, Mosaic Antique these settings: Grid Settings; Columns – 41, Rows – 41; Mosaic Settings; Tile Diffusion – 78, Grout Width – 5, Grout Diffusion – 30.  Click ok.  Repeat this with the other diamond paper layer.

Activate a flower layer.  Selections, Select All, Float.  New raster layer.  Grab your dropper tool.  Click on a darker pink in your diamond layer.  Flood fill the flower and select none.  Delete the black flower layer.  Repeat these steps with the other 3 flower layers.

Activate one of your flower layers.  Go to Effects, Plugins, Eye Candy 4000, Glass with the default settings with the highlight color of white.

Repeat this with all of your flower layers.  Add a drop shadow to each flower layer.  I used V-2, H-2, O-80, B-5.

Activate one of your bars layers.  Selections, Select All, Float.  New raster layer.  With your dropper tool, select a lighter pink from your diamond paper.  Floodfill the bars layer.  Select none and delete the original bars layer.  Repeat with the second bars layer.

Apply the same Eye Candy Glass settings as above and the same drop shadow as above to each of the bars layers.
Activate the background layer.  New raster layer.

Grab your dropper tool and click on a dark shade of pink in the tag.  Floodfill the new raster layer.

Open Diana Mask 7 and minimize.  Go to Layers, Add Mask from Image, Choose Diana Mask 7 from the drop down menu.  Make sure Source Luminance is ticked and Invert Mask Data is checked.  Click ok.  Right click on the mask layer, merge, merge group.

Now to add some elements.   See my sample for placement or place them where you desire.

Open Flower 3.  Copy and paste as a new layer.  Right click the layer and Arrange, Bring to Top.  Resize by 70%.  Move the flower to the bottom right corner of the tag.  Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen.  Add a drop shadow.

Open Bow 9.  Copy and paste as a new layer.  Resize by 80%.  Move to the top left of the tag.  Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen.  Add a drop shadow.

Open Flower 2.  Copy and paste as a new layer.  Resize by 70%.  Move to the bottom right corner of the tag.  Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen.  Add a drop shadow.

Open Mask15.  Copy and paste as a new layer.  Resize by 70%.  Move to the right of the middle of the tag.  Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen.  Add a drop shadow.

Open your tube.  Copy and paste as a new layer.  Resize as needed.  Move your tube to the left side of the tag and under the flower layers.  Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen.  Add a drop shadow.  I moved the flowers in the bottom left corner to cover her legs.

Delete the white background layer.

Resize to 595x595, all layers checked.  Add your copyright and your name. 

Save as a PNG for a transparent background. 

You are done and I hope you enjoyed the tutorial.

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