Friday, June 22, 2012

Patriotic Stars

This tutorial assumes that you have working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro and it’s tools.  This tutorial was written by Valerie Atwell of KLBDesignz, on June 21, 2012.  You may not copy it, distribute it or claim it as your own.  You are welcome to include a link back to my tutorial for your groups and forums.  If this tutorial resembles any other in existence, it is purely coincidence. 

I am using the awesome artwork of Popeye Wong.  You can find his work at

What you need:

Tube of choice
Font of choice  I am using one called Kayleigh, found at
Scrap Kit by Serenity Sheri Scraps called Patriotic Blog Train found at   Thank you Shari for sharing this awesome kit!
Eye Candy 4000, Gradient Glow (or you don’t have to use this if you don’t have it)
Mura’s Meister Copies  You can get it here, but I cannot  guarantee the download.
Mask 350  found at place in your masks folder.

The drop shadow we are going to use throughout is a follows.  Vertical – 2, Horizontal – 2, Opacity – 90, Blur – 5, Color – Black.

Open the frame 04.  Shift + D to duplicate it.  Close the original.  Go to Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen.  Then add the drop shadow.

Open flower 07.  Copy and paste as a new layer.  Move it to the bottom right of the frame.  Adjust, sharpness, sharpen.  Add the drop shadow.

Open flower 09.  Copy and paste as a new layer.  Resize it by 90%.  Move it down and over the other flower.  Adjust, sharpness, sharpen.  NO drop shadow.

Open star 04.  Copy and paste as a new layer.  Resize by 80%.  Adjust, sharpness, sharpen.  Add the drop shadow.

Go to Effects, Mura’s Meister, Copies.  Choose Encircle with the default settings except reduce the number to 7.

Open star 05.  Copy and paste as a new layer.  Resize by 80%.  Adjust, sharpness, sharpen.  Add the drop shadow.  Make sure it is in the middle of the star circle.
Open paper 12.  Copy and paste as a new layer.  On the layer palette, drag this layer below the frame layer.

Got to layers, load/save mask, load mask from disk.  Find wsl_mask350.  Make sure source luminance is ticked and invert transparency is unchecked.  Go to layers, merge, merge group or right click on the layer, merge, merge group.

Make sure your mask layer is still activated.  Open bling cluster 01.  Copy and paste as a new layer.

Go to effects, EyeCandy4000, Gradient Glow.  In the color tab, choose thin, color white.  Back to the basic tab, width – 3, Corners – 0, Opacity – 100.  Adjust, sharpness, sharpen.

Open your tube.  Copy and paste as a new layer.  Resize if needed.  Adjust, sharpness, sharpen.  Add the drop shadow.

Add the copyright and your name.  This scrap kit designer requires that her credit information is included in any signature tags, please follow her TOUs.

On the name, I added a glow with Eye Candy.

Save as a png and you are done.


Magik said...

Hello, Hun!
Stopping by to say hello.

I LOVE how the blog is looking. =)
And I love the tags, too. =)

I have a pressie for you on my blog.
You can find it here:


Valerie said...

Hi Magik! Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you like the blog. I'll stop by to see the pressie. Thanks for it in advance. HUGZ!